Looking Back: Medical Innovations of the 2010’s

Looking Back: Medical Innovations of the 2010’s

Healthy MD CME celebrates the new year by remembering the innovations of the past. The 2010s have been an exciting, dynamic and often turbulent time, from advancements in technology to unprecedented shifts in global cultures and societies. In this decade, medicine,...
What’s New? How New Innovations are Solving Old Problems

What’s New? How New Innovations are Solving Old Problems

Imagine a primeval hunter, tracking a wooly mammoth across the icy tundras of ancient Asia. Together with his fellow hunters, they attack the great animal, a grim task to feed and clothe their little tribe. However, just before they kill it, a mighty tusk punctures...
The Art of Physician Leadership

The Art of Physician Leadership

Great leadership skills are needed in all kinds of jobs, and the field of medicine is no exception. Considering the current issues and overall concerns in physician management and operations, physician leaders are needed now more than ever.   Burnout in the...